
1st Class


London & Paris

San Francisco

American Institute

Ch. Missenharter

Manf'r New York

Missenharter Brass Instrument Factory


# 7138 Cornet

Description: Medallie 1st Class Philadelphia, London, Paris, San Fransico, America Institue Charles Missenharter
MANF'H New York. # 7138. According to the date and the Missenhater website this cornet dates from the 1880's.
All three valves unscrew. Two will move one will not. There is a piece missing that connects the body to the last peice that holds the mouth piece. The mouth piece is missing also. Has mltiple dents but no holes. Shows age and character well.
See photos. Great for display, home decor, collection, parts, rebuild or photo shoots prop.

Karl Moritz Charles Missenharter Ulm, Germany 1829-1899 came to tthe USA in 1869 and set up a factory for instrument making. He continued till he sold his company in 1891. His name continued with the company till 1917.
He won numerous awards for his insturments but there are not many out there.

Ebay Dec 20162017